Vaccination Requirement for In-Person Worship & Masks will continue to be required of everyone inside the church facility.

We require all persons worshipping in-person to be fully vaccinated. Session decided to institute this measure at their January meeting to help protect the community and to allow us to more quickly incorporate singing into our services. Individuals, 12 and older, are considered fully vaccinated two weeks after completion of their primary COVID-19 vaccination series and, when eligible, have received a booster shot. If five months have elapsed since the primary vaccination series, we ask the individual to worship remotely until the booster is obtained. Individuals 5-11 are considered fully vaccinated two weeks after completion of their primary COVID-19 vaccination series. Worshippers are encouraged to provide proof of vaccination online at vaccination or by emailing Phyllis Worthington at [email protected]. Ushers will also check proof of vaccination at the door on Sunday mornings. Masks will continue to be required of everyone inside the church facility.


IPC worship services are now streamed solely on our YouTube Channel: